Want to see how everything works? Check out one of our Tutorials!
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Add rich text content to an Entity: This tutorial describes how to add a Rich Text Field to an Entity. Rich Text Fields may contain formatting options like HTML-Markup. It requires a previous execution of
Define a data record with an Entity.
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Invite an additional User: This tutorial describes how to invite additional Users. Create new Users and assign them to one or more user groups. Invite new Users via email or set an initial login and password manually.
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Define a custom table view with a Filter Query: This tutorial describes how to create a new Filter Query. Filter Queries allow you to specify which columns are displayed in table views as well as to restrict which rows are returned by specifying filters. It requires a previous execution of
Add state and a selection field with a Custom List.
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Custom list views with List Templates: This tutorial describes how to create a new List Template. Create personalized lists for list views. For each list, you can define which data should be displayed and how.
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Create a dynamic form with a Form Rule: This tutorial describes how to create a new Form Rule. Define Form Rules to create dynamic forms. With Condition Rules you can specify attribute states that automatically hide, show, lock or make required other attributes. It requires a previous execution of
Add state and a selection field with a Custom List.
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Create a new E-Mail Template: This tutorial describes how to create a new E-Mail Template. Create E-Mail-Templates to conveniently send pre-formulated E-Mails and inform other users about entity states. It requires a previous execution of
Add state and a selection field with a Custom List.
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Specify automated Email Notifications with Workflow Rules: This tutorial describes how to create a new Workflow Rule. Workflow rules allow you to automatically send email notifications or update field values based on conditions that you define. It requires a previous execution of
Create a new E-Mail Template.
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Graphs and statistics with Graph Templates: This tutorial describes how to create a new Graph Template. With Graph Templates you can specify dynamic Graphs and Diagrams. These can be integrated into the Dashboard or displayed if needed. It requires a previous execution of
Add state and a selection field with a Custom List.
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Create your own Dashboard Pages: This tutorial describes how to create a new Dashboard Page. Use Dashboards to quickly get an overview over the state of your application. Arrange tables, list and graph views in Dashboard Pages. It requires a previous execution of
Add state and a selection field with a Custom List.
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Manage user permissions with User Groups: This tutorial describes how to create a new User Group. Manage permissions with built-in or custom User Groups. Assign Users to User Groups and fine-tune individual user interface views and access rights.
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Custom Applications with entity tabs: This tutorial describes how to create a new Application with existing Entities. An Application defines which set of Tabs is currently displayed. Create new Applications or customize existing Applications by adding Entities and defining Tab Groups. It requires a previous execution of
Add state and a selection field with a Custom List.
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